“The Lightening Thief” is the first book of the “Percy Jackson & The Olympians” series, itself the first book series of the “Camp Half-Blood Chronicles.” It is a young adult fantasy novel about Greek mythology, written by the American author Rick Riordan. He came up with the idea of this book thanks to his son...
Les élèves de 5B et D immersion ont profité du confinement pour découvrir des livres, films ou séries. Ils vous proposent chaque semaine une critique, in English of course! De quoi donner des idées pour la suite… Voici la première… Recently, I have watched a film called “Welcome to Gattaca”. It is written by...
During this quarantine, I had a lot of free time and was able to watch movies and TV shows that my friends had recommended to me over the years. Thanks to them, I had the pleasure to watch a huge variety of different movie genres, from gripping science-fiction movies to romcoms, I’ve seen them...
Titanic is a 1997 movie directed by James Cameron starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. It is a 195-minutes long American epic romance and disaster film and is based on the true story of the boat named “titanic”. The title is based on the name of the boat that inspired the movie. It is a...
« Et Après » is a novel written by Guillaume Musso. The book deals with love, family, death, and mystery about death. The main character is Nathan Del Amico, the best lawyer of its generation.It set in New-York during the end of the XXth century. The story is not based on true facts. ...